Wednesday, August 16, 2023

It's interesting how comfortable and good it can feel for autistic person to have a conversation with other autistic people. Last week I was a guest on the wonderful podcast Autistic Tidbits and Tangents. I'd spoken briefly with host Kara Dymond, and had seen guest co-host Bruce Petherick on a couple of prior videos, but we were able to settle right in and talk about all manner of subjects, ranging from my introduction to Chuck Berry, the benefits of a late diagnosis, the benefits of an autistic mind in my work as a lawyer and paralegal, to fear of changing jobs or having to transfer to a new location, self-diagnosis through television or film, and a world where autistic people were in the majority (turns out none of us particularly want to live there). We talked a bit about my book, too. I do apologize for a voice that was having some issues that morning! I'd better learn some vocal warm-ups.

Peter O’Neil is the author of My So-Called Disorder: Autism, Exploding Trucks, and the Big Daddy of Rock and Roll.

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